This summer I've seen the film "The
intouchables". I'm in love with it.
It talks about one precious friendship between
Philippe, a quadriplegic man with about 50 years, and
Driss, his caregiver, an immigrant who is just fresh out of jail. They're completely different but, Driss ends up being one of the only person who makes Philippe smile, one of the only person who makes him feel normal, comfortable, Philippe ends up needing Driss on his life.
Step by Step they go discovering the other, sharing their likes, their joys, their sorrows, all.
I think the fact that makes Philippe love being by the side of Driss is that for one moment he can forget his handicap, Driss treats him like one more in the world, no one special or different, just a person. Driss makes him know that he can be as great as the others, he teaches him to laugh about himself, to see the life with other perspective, to quit value to his disease.
This film shows how strong can be the power who binds two person, the fight for walk the life by the right way and get a normal existence of a quadriplegic man. Shows that you can jump all trhe walls and still smile that for one way or other you'll finally find the happiness, that we musn't give up on anything.
This film hides a precious message, this is: "Never give up as lost something without fighting for it before".
What surprised me most about "The intouchables" is that it's based on a true story. It's even more exciting to know that everything you see on screen have really happened, that somewhere in the world, Philippe and his caregiver are still together, sharing their lives.
This movie awakes in me a feeling of maybe admiration, or maybe it's hope, perhaps is simple happiness. Admiration for the Philippe struggle or the way that Driss can color of a grey world. Hope for all the people that today is in that state, and happy to see that stories that at first seemed sad, can have a happy ending.
The story of Philippe and Driss has traveled the world bringing smiles and tears on a lot of faces, i can't imagine anything more rewarding for a director.