Name: Paula Segura Lacasa
Age: 15
Location: Valencia, Spain
Ocuppation: Student of ESO 4
1. My Mp4
2. A pen drive
3. Photo Albums
4. Ballet trips
5. Two (or more) CD’s
6. A box with letters
7. My teddy
8. Sachet with quartz stones
If my house was burning the first thing that i would
take is my Mp4 because i have there all my music, and I like to listen music
every moment, I think there’s a song for all circumstances. I would take my pen
drive because I have all my last computer, texts, photos, videos, I would not
leave my house without it. The third thing is my photo albums because they have
very old photos with very old memories that I can’t put in my computer and I couldn’t
lose them. Other things are my ballet trips or some CD’s of my favorite
singers. I would take too my box with
letters that my friends wrote to me when we were child, my teddy, because I
have it since I born and my parents give it to me, and the last, a sachet with
quartz stones, because that remember me of a wonderful New year, a wonderful